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##Refresh rate of the visualizers. A really high refresh rate may cause screen tearing. Default is 20.
##Sets the audio sources to use.
##Currently available ones are "mpd", "pulse", "shmem", and "alsa". Defaults to "pulse".
##vis tries to find the correct pulseaudio sink, however this will not work on all systems.
##If pulse audio is not working with vis try switching the audio source. A list can be found by running the
##command pacmd list-sinks | grep -e 'name:' -e 'index'
##Defaults to "/tmp/mpd.fifo"
##If set to false the visualizers will use mono mode instead of stereo. Some visualizers will
##behave differently when mono is enabled. For example, spectrum show two sets of bars.
##Specifies how often the visualizer will change in seconds. 0 means do not rotate. Default is 0.
##Configures the samples rate and the cutoff frequencies.
##Applies scaling factor to both lorenz and ellipse visualizers. This is useful when the system audio is set
#to a low volume.
##Configures the visualizers and the order they are in. Available visualizers are spectrum,lorenz,ellipse.
##Defaults to spectrum,ellipse,lorenz
##Configures what character the spectrum visualizer will use. Specifying a space (e.g " ") means the
##background will be colored instead of the character. Defaults to " ".
##Spectrum bar width. Defaults to 2.
##The amount of space between each bar in the spectrum visualizer. Defaults to 1. It's possible to set this to
##zero to have no space between bars
##Available smoothing options are monstercat, sgs, none.
##This configures the falloff effect on the spectrum visualizer. Available falloff options are fill,top,none.
##Defaults to "fill"
##Configures how fast the falloff character falls. This is an exponential falloff so values usually look
##best 0.9+ and small changes in this value can have a large effect. Defaults to 0.95
##Margins in percent of total screen for spectrum visualizer. All margins default to 0
##Reverses the direction of the spectrum so that high freqs are first and low freqs last. Defaults to false.
##This configures the sgs smoothing effect on the spectrum visualizer. More points spreads out the smoothing
##effect and increasing passes runs the smoother multiple times on reach run. Defaults are points=3 and passes=1
##Configures what character the ellipse visualizer will use. Specifying a space (e.g " ") means the
##background will be colored instead of the character. Defaults to "█".
##The radius of each color ring in the ellipse visualizer. Defaults to 2.
##Configures what character the lorenz visualizer will use. Specifying a space (e.g " ") means the
##background will be colored instead of the character. Defaults to "█".
##Turns off overriding the user's terminal colors. This is true by default.
##Specifies the color scheme. The color scheme must be in ~/.config/vis/colors/ directory. The default scheme is "colors".