#version 330 in vec2 fragCoord; out vec4 fragColor; // bar values. defaults to left channels first (low to high), then right (high to low). uniform float bars[512]; uniform int bars_count; // number of bars (left + right) (configurable) uniform int bar_width; // bar width (configurable), not used here uniform int bar_spacing; // space bewteen bars (configurable) uniform vec3 u_resolution; // window resolution //colors, configurable in cava config file (r,g,b) (0.0 - 1.0) uniform vec3 bg_color; // background color uniform vec3 fg_color; // foreground color uniform int gradient_count; uniform vec3 gradient_colors[8]; // gradient colors vec3 normalize_C(float y,vec3 col_1, vec3 col_2, float y_min, float y_max) { //create color based on fraction of this color and next color float yr = (y - y_min) / (y_max - y_min); return col_1 * (1.0 - yr) + col_2 * yr; } void main() { // find which bar to use based on where we are on the x axis float x = u_resolution.x * fragCoord.x; int bar = int(bars_count * fragCoord.x); //calculate a bar size float bar_size = u_resolution.x / bars_count; //the y coordinate and bar values are the same float y = bars[bar]; // make sure there is a thin line at bottom if (y * u_resolution.y < 1.0) { y = 1.0 / u_resolution.y; } //draw the bar up to current height if (y > fragCoord.y) { //make some space between bars basen on settings if (x > (bar + 1) * (bar_size) - bar_spacing) { fragColor = vec4(bg_color,1.0); } else { if (gradient_count == 0) { fragColor = vec4(fg_color,1.0); } else { //find which color in the configured gradient we are at int color = int((gradient_count - 1) * fragCoord.y); //find where on y this and next color is supposed to be float y_min = color / (gradient_count - 1.0); float y_max = (color + 1.0) / (gradient_count - 1.0); //make color fragColor = vec4(normalize_C(fragCoord.y, gradient_colors[color], gradient_colors[color + 1], y_min, y_max), 1.0); } } } else { fragColor = vec4(bg_color,1.0); } }