Compare commits


No commits in common. "6a6bbc8230e92cca1802db84c091e59c51a15956" and "0c466fc0505f3c59c6c902d685ec808af73018d1" have entirely different histories.

15 changed files with 17 additions and 953 deletions

View file

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
"wallpaper": "/home/lucss21a/Pictures/Wallpapers/Adelle/Grids (Blue).png",
"alpha": "100",
"special": {
"background": "#00001D",
"foreground": "#e6e9f0",
"cursor": "#e6e9f0"
"colors": {
"color0": "#00001D",
"color1": "#0D38AA",
"color2": "#1244B6",
"color3": "#5171B9",
"color4": "#0105C9",
"color5": "#154BCF",
"color6": "#859CCE",
"color7": "#e6e9f0",
"color8": "#a1a3a8",
"color9": "#0D38AA",
"color10": "#1244B6",
"color11": "#5171B9",
"color12": "#0105C9",
"color13": "#154BCF",
"color14": "#859CCE",
"color15": "#e6e9f0"

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
"alpha": "100",
"special": {
"background": "#161616",
"foreground": "#a6c8ff",
"cursor": "#a6c8ff"
"colors": {
"color0": "#161616",
"color1": "#08bdba",
"color2": "#3ddbd9",
"color3": "#33b1ff",
"color4": "#1192e8",
"color5": "#0043ce",
"color6": "#4589ff",
"color7": "#a6c8ff",
"color8": "#878d96",
"color9": "#08bdba",
"color10": "#3ddbd9",
"color11": "#33b1ff",
"color12": "#1192e8",
"color13": "#0043ce",
"color14": "#4589ff",
"color15": "#a6c8ff"

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
"special": {
"background": "#001b3c",
"foreground": "#d5e3ff",
"cursor": "#d5e3ff"
"colors": {
"color0": "#001b3c",
"color1": "#003061",
"color2": "#00468a",
"color3": "#255ea7",
"color4": "#4378c1",
"color5": "#5f92dd",
"color6": "#7bacfa",
"color7": "#d5e3ff",
"color8": "#d9e3f8",
"color9": "#003061",
"color10": "#00468a",
"color11": "#255ea7",
"color12": "#4378c1",
"color13": "#5f92dd",
"color14": "#7bacfa",
"color15": "#d5e3ff"

View file

@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
## Configuration file for CAVA.
# Remove the ; to change parameters.
# Smoothing mode. Can be 'normal', 'scientific' or 'waves'. DEPRECATED as of 0.6.0
; mode = normal
# Accepts only non-negative values.
; framerate = 120
# 'autosens' will attempt to decrease sensitivity if the bars peak. 1 = on, 0 = off
# new as of 0.6.0 autosens of low values (dynamic range)
# 'overshoot' allows bars to overshoot (in % of terminal height) without initiating autosens. DEPRECATED as of 0.6.0
; autosens = 1
; overshoot = 20
# Manual sensitivity in %. If autosens is enabled, this will only be the initial value.
# 200 means double height. Accepts only non-negative values.
; sensitivity = 100
# The number of bars (0-512). 0 sets it to auto (fill up console).
# Bars' width and space between bars in number of characters.
; bars = 0
; bar_width = 2
; bar_spacing = 1
# bar_height is only used for output in "noritake" format
; bar_height = 32
# For SDL width and space between bars is in pixels, defaults are:
; bar_width = 20
; bar_spacing = 5
# sdl_glsl have these default values, they are only used to calulate max number of bars.
; bar_width = 1
; bar_spacing = 0
# Lower and higher cutoff frequencies for lowest and highest bars
# the bandwidth of the visualizer.
# Note: there is a minimum total bandwidth of 43Mhz x number of bars.
# Cava will automatically increase the higher cutoff if a too low band is specified.
; lower_cutoff_freq = 50
; higher_cutoff_freq = 10000
# Seconds with no input before cava goes to sleep mode. Cava will not perform FFT or drawing and
# only check for input once per second. Cava will wake up once input is detected. 0 = disable.
; sleep_timer = 0
# Audio capturing method. Possible methods are: 'pulse', 'alsa', 'fifo', 'sndio' or 'shmem'
# Defaults to 'pulse', 'pipewire', 'alsa' or 'fifo', in that order, dependent on what support cava was built with.
# On Mac it defaults to 'portaudio' or 'fifo'
# On windows this is automatic and no input settings are needed.
# All input methods uses the same config variable 'source'
# to define where it should get the audio.
# For pulseaudio and pipewire 'source' will be the source. Default: 'auto', which uses the monitor source of the default sink
# (all pulseaudio sinks(outputs) have 'monitor' sources(inputs) associated with them).
# For piepwire 'source' will be the object name or object.serial of the device to capture from.
# Both input and output devices are supported.
# For alsa 'source' will be the capture device.
# For fifo 'source' will be the path to fifo-file.
# For shmem 'source' will be /squeezelite-AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF where 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF' will be squeezelite's MAC address
; method = pulse
; source = auto
; method = pipewire
; source = auto
; method = alsa
; source = hw:Loopback,1
; method = fifo
; source = /tmp/mpd.fifo
; sample_rate = 44100
; sample_bits = 16
; method = shmem
; source = /squeezelite-AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
; method = portaudio
; source = auto
# Output method. Can be 'ncurses', 'noncurses', 'raw', 'noritake', 'sdl'
# or 'sdl_glsl'.
# 'noncurses' uses a custom framebuffer technique and prints only changes
# from frame to frame in the terminal. 'ncurses' is default if supported.
# 'raw' is an 8 or 16 bit (configurable via the 'bit_format' option) data
# stream of the bar heights that can be used to send to other applications.
# 'raw' defaults to 200 bars, which can be adjusted in the 'bars' option above.
# 'noritake' outputs a bitmap in the format expected by a Noritake VFD display
# in graphic mode. It only support the 3000 series graphical VFDs for now.
# 'sdl' uses the Simple DirectMedia Layer to render in a graphical context.
# 'sdl_glsl' uses SDL to create an OpenGL context. Write your own shaders or
# use one of the predefined ones.
; method = ncurses
# Orientation of the visualization. Can be 'bottom', 'top', 'left' or 'right'.
# Default is 'bottom'. Other orientations are only supported on sdl and ncruses
# output. Note: many fonts have weird glyphs for 'top' and 'right' characters,
# which can make ncurses not look right.
; orientation = bottom
# Visual channels. Can be 'stereo' or 'mono'.
# 'stereo' mirrors both channels with low frequencies in center.
# 'mono' outputs left to right lowest to highest frequencies.
# 'mono_option' set mono to either take input from 'left', 'right' or 'average'.
# set 'reverse' to 1 to display frequencies the other way around.
; channels = stereo
; mono_option = average
; reverse = 0
# Raw output target. A fifo will be created if target does not exist.
; raw_target = /dev/stdout
# Raw data format. Can be 'binary' or 'ascii'.
; data_format = binary
# Binary bit format, can be '8bit' (0-255) or '16bit' (0-65530).
; bit_format = 16bit
# Ascii max value. In 'ascii' mode range will run from 0 to value specified here
; ascii_max_range = 1000
# Ascii delimiters. In ascii format each bar and frame is separated by a delimiters.
# Use decimal value in ascii table (i.e. 59 = ';' and 10 = '\n' (line feed)).
; bar_delimiter = 59
; frame_delimiter = 10
# sdl window size and position. -1,-1 is centered.
; sdl_width = 1000
; sdl_height = 500
; sdl_x = -1
; sdl_y= -1
# set label on bars on the x-axis. Can be 'frequency' or 'none'. Default: 'none'
# 'frequency' displays the lower cut off frequency of the bar above.
# Only supported on ncurses and noncurses output.
; xaxis = none
# enable alacritty synchronized updates. 1 = on, 0 = off
# removes flickering in alacritty terminal emulator.
# defaults to off since the behaviour in other terminal emulators is unknown
; alacritty_sync = 0
# Shaders for sdl_glsl, located in $HOME/.config/cava/shaders
; vertex_shader = pass_through.vert
; fragment_shader = bar_spectrum.frag
; for glsl output mode, keep rendering even if no audio
; continuous_rendering = 0
# Colors can be one of seven predefined: black, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, white, yellow.
# Or defined by hex code '#xxxxxx' (hex code must be within ''). User defined colors requires
# a terminal that can change color definitions such as Gnome-terminal or rxvt.
# default is to keep current terminal color
; background = default
; foreground = default
# SDL and sdl_glsl only support hex code colors, these are the default:
; background = '#111111'
; foreground = '#33ffff'
# Gradient mode, only hex defined colors are supported,
# background must also be defined in hex or remain commented out. 1 = on, 0 = off.
# You can define as many as 8 different colors. They range from bottom to top of screen
gradient = 1
gradient_count = 3
gradient_color_1 = '{color1}'
gradient_color_2 = '{color4}'
gradient_color_3 = '{color6}'
# Percentage value for integral smoothing. Takes values from 0 - 100.
# Higher values means smoother, but less precise. 0 to disable.
# DEPRECATED as of 0.8.0, use noise_reduction instead
; integral = 77
# Disables or enables the so-called "Monstercat smoothing" with or without "waves". Set to 0 to disable.
; monstercat = 0
; waves = 0
# Set gravity percentage for "drop off". Higher values means bars will drop faster.
# Accepts only non-negative values. 50 means half gravity, 200 means double. Set to 0 to disable "drop off".
# DEPRECATED as of 0.8.0, use noise_reduction instead
; gravity = 100
# In bar height, bars that would have been lower that this will not be drawn.
# DEPRECATED as of 0.8.0
; ignore = 0
# Noise reduction, int 0 - 100. default 77
# the raw visualization is very noisy, this factor adjusts the integral and gravity filters to keep the signal smooth
# 100 will be very slow and smooth, 0 will be fast but noisy.
; noise_reduction = 77
# This one is tricky. You can have as much keys as you want.
# Remember to uncomment more than one key! More keys = more precision.
# Look at on github for further explanations and examples.
; 1 = 1 # bass
; 2 = 1
; 3 = 1 # midtone
; 4 = 1
; 5 = 1 # treble

View file

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
! X colors.
! Generated by 'wal'
*foreground: {foreground}
*background: {background}
*.foreground: {foreground}
*.background: {background}
Xmessage*font: -misc-hack-medium-r-normal-*-17-120-100-100-*-0-iso10646-1
Xmessage*foreground: {foreground}
Xmessage*background: {background}
emacs*foreground: {foreground}
emacs*background: {background}
URxvt*foreground: {foreground}
XTerm*foreground: {foreground}
UXTerm*foreground: {foreground}
URxvt*background: {background.alpha}
XTerm*background: {background}
UXTerm*background: {background}
URxvt*cursorColor: {cursor}
XTerm*cursorColor: {cursor}
UXTerm*cursorColor: {cursor}
URxvt*borderColor: {background.alpha}
background: {background}
foreground: {foreground}
! Colors 0-15.
*.color0: {color0}
*color0: {color0}
*.color1: {color1}
*color1: {color1}
*.color2: {color2}
*color2: {color2}
*.color3: {color3}
*color3: {color3}
*.color4: {color4}
*color4: {color4}
*.color5: {color5}
*color5: {color5}
*.color6: {color6}
*color6: {color6}
*.color7: {color7}
*color7: {color7}
*.color8: {color8}
*color8: {color8}
*.color9: {color9}
*color9: {color9}
*.color10: {color10}
*color10: {color10}
*.color11: {color11}
*color11: {color11}
*.color12: {color12}
*color12: {color12}
*.color13: {color13}
*color13: {color13}
*.color14: {color14}
*color14: {color14}
*.color15: {color15}
*color15: {color15}
! Black color that will not be affected by bold highlighting.
*.color66: {color0}
*color66: {color0}
! Xclock colors.
XClock*foreground: {foreground}
XClock*background: {background}
XClock*majorColor: rgba:{color15.xrgba}
XClock*minorColor: rgba:{color15.xrgba}
XClock*hourColor: rgba:{color15.xrgba}
XClock*minuteColor: rgba:{color15.xrgba}
XClock*secondColor: rgba:{color15.xrgba}
! Set depth to make transparency work.
URxvt*depth: 32
! XMenu entries
XMenu.activeBackground: {color6}
XMenu.activeForeground: {color0}
XMenu.borderColor: {color6}
XMenu.faceName: Hack Nerd Font
XMenu.faceSize: 12
! dmenu stuff
dmenu.selbackground: {color4}
dmenu.selforeground: {color0}
dmenu.outbackground: {color2}
dmenu.outforeground: {color0}
dmenu.midbackground: {color2}
dmenu.midforeground: {color0}
dmenu.bordercolor: {color5}

View file

@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
# See dunst(5) for all configuration options
### Display ###
# Which monitor should the notifications be displayed on.
monitor = 0
# Display notification on focused monitor. Possible modes are:
# mouse: follow mouse pointer
# keyboard: follow window with keyboard focus
# none: don't follow anything
# "keyboard" needs a window manager that exports the
# _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW property.
# This should be the case for almost all modern window managers.
# If this option is set to mouse or keyboard, the monitor option
# will be ignored.
follow = none
### Geometry ###
# dynamic width from 0 to 300
# width = (0, 300)
# constant width of 300
width = 300
# The maximum height of a single notification, excluding the frame.
height = 600
# Position the notification in the top right corner
origin = top-right
# Offset from the origin
offset = 10x50
# Scale factor. It is auto-detected if value is 0.
scale = 0
# Maximum number of notification (0 means no limit)
notification_limit = 20
### Progress bar ###
# Turn on the progess bar. It appears when a progress hint is passed with
# for example dunstify -h int:value:12
progress_bar = true
# Set the progress bar height. This includes the frame, so make sure
# it's at least twice as big as the frame width.
progress_bar_height = 5
# Set the frame width of the progress bar
progress_bar_frame_width = 1
# Set the minimum width for the progress bar
progress_bar_min_width = 150
# Set the maximum width for the progress bar
progress_bar_max_width = 300
# Corner radius for the progress bar. 0 disables rounded corners.
progress_bar_corner_radius = 0
# Corner radius for the icon image.
icon_corner_radius = 0
# Show how many messages are currently hidden (because of
# notification_limit).
indicate_hidden = yes
# The transparency of the window. Range: [0; 100].
# This option will only work if a compositing window manager is
# present (e.g. xcompmgr, compiz, etc.). (X11 only)
transparency = 10
# Draw a line of "separator_height" pixel height between two
# notifications.
# Set to 0 to disable.
# If gap_size is greater than 0, this setting will be ignored.
separator_height = 2
# Padding between text and separator.
padding = 8
# Horizontal padding.
horizontal_padding = 8
# Padding between text and icon.
text_icon_padding = 0
# Defines width in pixels of frame around the notification window.
# Set to 0 to disable.
frame_width = 3
# Defines color of the frame around the notification window.
frame_color = "{color1}"
# Size of gap to display between notifications - requires a compositor.
# If value is greater than 0, separator_height will be ignored and a border
# of size frame_width will be drawn around each notification instead.
# Click events on gaps do not currently propagate to applications below.
gap_size = 0
# Define a color for the separator.
# possible values are:
# * auto: dunst tries to find a color fitting to the background;
# * foreground: use the same color as the foreground;
# * frame: use the same color as the frame;
# * anything else will be interpreted as a X color.
separator_color = frame
# Sort messages by urgency.
sort = yes
# Don't remove messages, if the user is idle (no mouse or keyboard input)
# for longer than idle_threshold seconds.
# Set to 0 to disable.
# A client can set the 'transient' hint to bypass this. See the rules
# section for how to disable this if necessary
# idle_threshold = 120
### Text ###
font = "Hack Nerd Font 10"
# The spacing between lines. If the height is smaller than the
# font height, it will get raised to the font height.
line_height = 0
# Possible values are:
# full: Allow a small subset of html markup in notifications:
# <b>bold</b>
# <i>italic</i>
# <s>strikethrough</s>
# <u>underline</u>
# For a complete reference see
# <>.
# strip: This setting is provided for compatibility with some broken
# clients that send markup even though it's not enabled on the
# server. Dunst will try to strip the markup but the parsing is
# simplistic so using this option outside of matching rules for
# specific applications *IS GREATLY DISCOURAGED*.
# no: Disable markup parsing, incoming notifications will be treated as
# plain text. Dunst will not advertise that it has the body-markup
# capability if this is set as a global setting.
# It's important to note that markup inside the format option will be parsed
# regardless of what this is set to.
markup = full
# The format of the message. Possible variables are:
# %a appname
# %s summary
# %b body
# %i iconname (including its path)
# %I iconname (without its path)
# %p progress value if set ([ 0%] to [100%]) or nothing
# %n progress value if set without any extra characters
# %% Literal %
# Markup is allowed
format = "<b>%a</b>\n<i>%s</i>\n%b"
# Alignment of message text.
# Possible values are "left", "center" and "right".
alignment = left
# Vertical alignment of message text and icon.
# Possible values are "top", "center" and "bottom".
vertical_alignment = center
# Show age of message if message is older than show_age_threshold
# seconds.
# Set to -1 to disable.
show_age_threshold = 60
# Specify where to make an ellipsis in long lines.
# Possible values are "start", "middle" and "end".
ellipsize = middle
# Ignore newlines '\n' in notifications.
ignore_newline = no
# Stack together notifications with the same content
stack_duplicates = true
# Hide the count of stacked notifications with the same content
hide_duplicate_count = false
# Display indicators for URLs (U) and actions (A).
show_indicators = yes
### Icons ###
# Recursive icon lookup. You can set a single theme, instead of having to
# define all lookup paths.
enable_recursive_icon_lookup = true
# Set icon theme (only used for recursive icon lookup)
icon_theme = "breeze-dark, Adwaita"
# You can also set multiple icon themes, with the leftmost one being used first.
# icon_theme = "Adwaita, breeze"
# Align icons left/right/top/off
icon_position = left
# Scale small icons up to this size, set to 0 to disable. Helpful
# for e.g. small files or high-dpi screens. In case of conflict,
# max_icon_size takes precedence over this.
min_icon_size = 32
# Scale larger icons down to this size, set to 0 to disable
max_icon_size = 32
# Paths to default icons (only neccesary when not using recursive icon lookup)
icon_path = /usr/share/icons/breeze-dark/16/status/:/usr/share/icons/breeze-dark/16/devices/
### History ###
# Should a notification popped up from history be sticky or timeout
# as if it would normally do.
sticky_history = yes
# Maximum amount of notifications kept in history
history_length = 20
### Misc/Advanced ###
# dmenu path.
# Adjust this according to your monitor resolution.
# i.e 1920-600=1320, 1280-600=680 for the -x arg. I'm looking for a way to make
# it work with jgmenu.
dmenu = /usr/local/bin/spmenu -p dunst: -x 1320 -z 600 -nt -ml 10 -g 1
# Browser for opening urls in context menu.
browser = /usr/bin/xdg-open
# Always run rule-defined scripts, even if the notification is suppressed
always_run_script = true
# Define the title of the windows spawned by dunst
title = Dunst
# Define the class of the windows spawned by dunst
class = Dunst
# Define the corner radius of the notification window
# in pixel size. If the radius is 0, you have no rounded
# corners.
# The radius will be automatically lowered if it exceeds half of the
# notification height to avoid clipping text and/or icons.
corner_radius = 0
# Ignore the dbus closeNotification message.
# Useful to enforce the timeout set by dunst configuration. Without this
# parameter, an application may close the notification sent before the
# user defined timeout.
ignore_dbusclose = false
### Wayland ###
# These settings are Wayland-specific. They have no effect when using X11
# Uncomment this if you want to let notications appear under fullscreen
# applications (default: overlay)
# layer = top
# Set this to true to use X11 output on Wayland.
force_xwayland = false
### Legacy
# Use the Xinerama extension instead of RandR for multi-monitor support.
# This setting is provided for compatibility with older nVidia drivers that
# do not support RandR and using it on systems that support RandR is highly
# discouraged.
# By enabling this setting dunst will not be able to detect when a monitor
# is connected or disconnected which might break follow mode if the screen
# layout changes.
force_xinerama = false
### mouse
# Defines list of actions for each mouse event
# Possible values are:
# * none: Don't do anything.
# * do_action: Invoke the action determined by the action_name rule. If there is no
# such action, open the context menu.
# * open_url: If the notification has exactly one url, open it. If there are multiple
# ones, open the context menu.
# * close_current: Close current notification.
# * close_all: Close all notifications.
# * context: Open context menu for the notification.
# * context_all: Open context menu for all notifications.
# These values can be strung together for each mouse event, and
# will be executed in sequence.
mouse_left_click = do_action, close_current
mouse_middle_click = context, close_current
mouse_right_click = close_all
# Experimental features that may or may not work correctly. Do not expect them
# to have a consistent behaviour across releases.
# Calculate the dpi to use on a per-monitor basis.
# If this setting is enabled the Xft.dpi value will be ignored and instead
# dunst will attempt to calculate an appropriate dpi value for each monitor
# using the resolution and physical size. This might be useful in setups
# where there are multiple screens with very different dpi values.
per_monitor_dpi = false
# IMPORTANT: colors have to be defined in quotation marks.
# Otherwise the "#" and following would be interpreted as a comment.
background = "{color0}"
foreground = "{color8}"
highlight = "{color5}"
timeout = 10
# Icon for notifications with low urgency, uncomment to enable
#default_icon = /path/to/icon
background = "{color0}"
foreground = "{color15}"
highlight = "{color5}"
timeout = 10
# Icon for notifications with normal urgency, uncomment to enable
#default_icon = /path/to/icon
background = "{color13}"
foreground = "{color0}"
highlight = "{color5}"
# frame_color = "#ff0000"
timeout = 0
# Icon for notifications with critical urgency, uncomment to enable
#default_icon = /path/to/icon
# Every section that isn't one of the above is interpreted as a rules to
# override settings for certain messages.
# Messages can be matched by
# appname (discouraged, see desktop_entry)
# body
# category
# desktop_entry
# icon
# match_transient
# msg_urgency
# stack_tag
# summary
# and you can override the
# background
# foreground
# format
# frame_color
# fullscreen
# new_icon
# set_stack_tag
# set_transient
# set_category
# timeout
# urgency
# icon_position
# skip_display
# history_ignore
# action_name
# word_wrap
# ellipsize
# alignment
# hide_text
# Shell-like globbing will get expanded.
# Instead of the appname filter, it's recommended to use the desktop_entry filter.
# GLib based applications export their desktop-entry name. In comparison to the appname,
# the desktop-entry won't get localized.
# You can specify a script that gets run when the rule matches by
# setting the "script" option.
# The script will be called as follows:
# script appname summary body icon urgency
# where urgency can be "LOW", "NORMAL" or "CRITICAL".
# NOTE: It might be helpful to run dunst -print in a terminal in order
# to find fitting options for rules.
# Disable the transient hint so that idle_threshold cannot be bypassed from the
# client
# match_transient = yes
# set_transient = no
# Make the handling of transient notifications more strict by making them not
# be placed in history.
# match_transient = yes
# history_ignore = yes
# fullscreen values
# show: show the notifications, regardless if there is a fullscreen window opened
# delay: displays the new notification, if there is no fullscreen window active
# If the notification is already drawn, it won't get undrawn.
# pushback: same as delay, but when switching into fullscreen, the notification will get
# withdrawn from screen again and will get delayed like a new notification
# fullscreen = delay
# msg_urgency = critical
# fullscreen = show
# summary = "*"
# script =
# summary = "*script*"
# script =
# # This notification will not be displayed
# summary = "foobar"
# skip_display = true
# # This notification will not be saved in history
# summary = "foobar"
# history_ignore = yes
# # This notification will not be displayed, but will be included in the history
# summary = "foobar"
# skip_display = yes
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = "*signed on*"
# urgency = low
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = *signed off*
# urgency = low
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = *says*
# urgency = critical
# appname = Pidgin
# summary = **
# urgency = normal
# appname = "some_volume_notifiers"
# set_stack_tag = "volume"
# vim: ft=cfg

View file

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
# verbosity = 0
# stay_alive = 1
# persistent = 0
# hide_on_startup = 0
# csv_cmd = apps
# tint2_look = 0
# position_mode = fixed
# edge_snap_x = 30
# terminal_exec = x-terminal-emulator
# terminal_args = -e
# monitor = 0
# hover_delay = 100
# hide_back_items = 1
# columns = 1
# tabs = 120
# menu_margin_x = 0
# menu_margin_y = 0
# menu_width = 200
# menu_height_min = 0
# menu_height_max = 0
# menu_height_mode = static
# menu_padding_top = 5
# menu_padding_right = 5
# menu_padding_bottom = 5
# menu_padding_left = 5
# menu_radius = 1
# menu_border = 0
# menu_halign = left
# menu_valign = bottom
# menu_gradient_pos = none
# sub_spacing = 1
# sub_padding_top = auto
# sub_padding_right = auto
# sub_padding_bottom = auto
# sub_padding_left = auto
# sub_hover_action = 1
# item_margin_x = 3
# item_margin_y = 3
# item_height = 25
# item_padding_x = 4
# item_radius = 1
# item_border = 0
# item_halign = left
# sep_height = 5
# sep_halign = left
# sep_markup =
font = HackNerdFont 12
font_fallback = xtg
icon_size = 22
# icon_text_spacing = 10
# icon_norm_alpha = 100
# icon_sel_alpha = 100
icon_theme = breeze-dark
icon_theme_fallback = xtg
arrow_string = ▸
arrow_width = 15
color_menu_bg = {color0} 100
# color_menu_bg_to = #000000 100
color_menu_border = {color5} 100
color_norm_bg = {color0} 100
color_norm_fg = {color15} 100
color_sel_bg = {color5} 100
color_sel_fg = {color0} 100
color_sel_border = {color5} 8
color_sep_fg = {color1} 20
color_scroll_ind = {color2} 100
color_title_fg = {color15} 50
color_title_bg = {color0} 0
color_title_border = {color0} 0
# csv_name_format = %n (%g)
# csv_single_window = 0
# csv_no_dirs = 0
# csv_i18n =
# csv_no_duplicates = 0

View file

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ static const char worddelimiters[] = " ";
/* Size of the window border */ /* Size of the window border */
static unsigned int border_width = 1; static unsigned int border_width = 0;
#endif // BORDER_PATCH #endif // BORDER_PATCH

View file

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
* to the output of that command. * to the output of that command.
* *
*/ */
/* This patch will allow for emojis on the left side with a colored background when selected. /* This patch will allow for emojis on the left side with a colored background when selected.
* To test this try running: * To test this try running:
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
* Refer to for documentation and example use cases. * Refer to for documentation and example use cases.
* *
*/ */
/* Allows dmenu's entries to be rendered in a grid by adding a new -g flag to specify /* Allows dmenu's entries to be rendered in a grid by adding a new -g flag to specify
* the number of grid columns. The -g and -l options can be used together to create a * the number of grid columns. The -g and -l options can be used together to create a
@ -102,12 +102,12 @@
/* This patch causes dmenu to print out the current text each time a key is pressed. /* This patch causes dmenu to print out the current text each time a key is pressed.
* *
*/ */
/* This patch adds an option to provide preselected text. /* This patch adds an option to provide preselected text.
* *
*/ */
/* This patch adds a flag which will cause dmenu to select an item immediately if there /* This patch adds a flag which will cause dmenu to select an item immediately if there
* is only one matching option left. * is only one matching option left.
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
* pre-selected. * pre-selected.
* *
*/ */
/* This patch allows dmenu to print out the 0-based index of matched text instead of the matched /* This patch allows dmenu to print out the 0-based index of matched text instead of the matched
* text itself. This can be useful in cases where you would like to select entries from one array * text itself. This can be useful in cases where you would like to select entries from one array
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
* patch. * patch.
* *
*/ */
/* This patch adds support for text scrolling and no longer appends '...' for long input as /* This patch adds support for text scrolling and no longer appends '...' for long input as
* it can handle long text. * it can handle long text.
@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
* is too long or there are too many options to be shown in dmenu in one line, to be defined. * is too long or there are too many options to be shown in dmenu in one line, to be defined.
* *
*/ */
/* With this patch dmenu will split input lines at first tab character and only display first /* With this patch dmenu will split input lines at first tab character and only display first
* part, but it will perform matching on and output full lines as usual. * part, but it will perform matching on and output full lines as usual.
@ -322,17 +322,17 @@
* the underlying script. * the underlying script.
* *
*/ */
#define TSV_PATCH 1 #define TSV_PATCH 0
/* This patch prevents dmenu from indenting items at the same level as the prompt length. /* This patch prevents dmenu from indenting items at the same level as the prompt length.
* *
*/ */
/* Adds extended window manager hints such as _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE and _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK. /* Adds extended window manager hints such as _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE and _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK.
* *
*/ */
#define WMTYPE_PATCH 1 #define WMTYPE_PATCH 0
/* This patch adds the ability to configure dmenu via Xresources. At startup, dmenu will read and /* This patch adds the ability to configure dmenu via Xresources. At startup, dmenu will read and
* apply the resources named below: * apply the resources named below:

View file

@ -1350,7 +1350,7 @@ static const Key keys[] = {
{ MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_minus, setborderpx, {.i = -1 } }, { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_minus, setborderpx, {.i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_equal, setborderpx, {.i = +1 } }, { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_plus, setborderpx, {.i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_numbersign, setborderpx, {.i = 0 } }, { MODKEY|ControlMask, XK_numbersign, setborderpx, {.i = 0 } },

View file

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
/* This patch makes the cursor color the inverse of the current cell color. /* This patch makes the cursor color the inverse of the current cell color.
* *
*/ */
/* Reading and writing st's screen through a pipe, e.g. pass info to dmenu. /* Reading and writing st's screen through a pipe, e.g. pass info to dmenu.
* *
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
* The behavior is similar to Plan 9 where applications can take over windows. * The behavior is similar to Plan 9 where applications can take over windows.
*/ */
/* Use inverted defaultbg/fg for selection when bg/fg are the same. /* Use inverted defaultbg/fg for selection when bg/fg are the same.
* *

View file

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ static const Key keys[] = {
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_k, movetab, { .i = +1 } }, { MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_k, movetab, { .i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_Tab, rotate, { .i = 0 } }, { MODKEY, XK_Tab, rotate, { .i = 0 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_1, move, { .i = 0 } }, { MODKEY, XK_1, move, { .i = 0 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_2, move, { .i = 1 } }, { MODKEY, XK_2, move, { .i = 1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_3, move, { .i = 2 } }, { MODKEY, XK_3, move, { .i = 2 } },