2023-07-29 19:39:34 +02:00

232 lines
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.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 3.1.2
.\" Define V font for inline verbatim, using C font in formats
.\" that render this, and otherwise B font.
.ie "\f[CB]x\f[]"x" \{\
. ftr V B
. ftr VI BI
. ftr VB B
. ftr VBI BI
.el \{\
. ftr V CR
. ftr VI CI
. ftr VB CB
. ftr VBI CBI
.TH "spmenu_run" "1" "" "3.2" "$PATH/.desktop launcher and file manager"
.SH spmenu_run
spmenu includes a powerful Bash script called spmenu_run.
It has several different components, but the run launcher component
lists out executable programs in $PATH and displays them to the user in
a list.
Not only that but it optionally shows recently run programs first in the
list, which is very useful.
.SS Run launcher component
By default it also saves history, which can be viewed by calling
\f[V]viewhistory\f[R] in your spmenu config.
By default the keybind is Ctrl+h in normal mode.
The selected option is then piped to /bin/sh (by default).
This component allows you to select multiple entries by calling
By default the keybind is Ctrl+Enter in any mode.
The selected item(s) are then executed in order one after one.
The run launcher also has some extra awesome features such as:
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Prepending \f[V]#\f[R] will spawn it in a terminal instead of just a
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Prepending \f[V]?\f[R] will run the command in a function, most of the
time used to display the man page.
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Prepending \f[V]magnet\f[R] will open a magnet link in $TORRENT
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Prepending \f[V]www\f[R] will open a page in $BROWSER
Most of the time you don\[cq]t need to prepend \f[V]www\f[R] though, for
example typing in \f[V]https://gnu.org\f[R] will open gnu.org in
$BROWSER even without the prefix.
If $BROWSER isn\[cq]t set then $BROWSER will be set to xdg-open.
Same goes for magnet links, although this has limited use.
By default it also saves history, which can be viewed by calling
\f[V]viewhistory\f[R] in your spmenu config.
By default the keybind is Ctrl+h in normal mode.
.SS .desktop entry component
In addition to the $PATH listing, spmenu_run also allows listing out and
displaying .desktop entries through the desktop component.
It does this in style too by default, by displaying the program icon.
The .desktop entries are looked for recursively in
/usr/share/applications, and the icons are looked for recursively in
Of course you can change this path or even add multiple.
This is done in the configuration file for spmenu_run.
Entries are cached, so the first time the component is used spmenu will
take a while to spawn.
Just be patient, it will eventually get through all of them.
To clear the cache (useful if you just installed/uninstalled a program)
run \f[V]spmenu_run -cc\f[R].
\f[B]NOTE: By default it will hide any entries matching
\f[VB]spmenu\f[B] (for convenience) but you can unhide these if you wish
through the configuration file.\f[R]
.SS Bookmarking
spmenu_run provides bookmarking entries or just general text if
To view the saved bookmarks, open \f[V]spmenu_run -x\f[R] (the run
launcher component) and type in \f[V]\[at]\f[R].
If you have no bookmarks what you\[cq]re going to get is an empty menu.
To add bookmarks, type \[at] followed by a command.
For example \f[V]\[at]chromium\f[R] will bookmark an entry called
\f[V]chromium\f[R], which will open Chromium.
If you want a longer command, you might want a shorter title to be
displayed .
In that case you can type \[at] followed by a name and a colon.
Anything you type \f[I]after\f[R] the colon will be executed using a
For example
\f[V]\[at]spmenu documentation:chromium https://spmenu.speedie.site\f[R]
will add an entry called \f[V]spmenu documentation\f[R] which when
selected will open the spmenu wiki in Chromium.
For traditional bookmarking, consider something like
\f[V]\[at]spmenu documentation:echo spmenu.speedie.site | xclip -sel clipboard\f[R].
spmenu_run bookmarks should be treated as shell commands.
.SS File manager component
Finally, it also comes with a file manager component.
Out of the box this is very basic and only lists out files and opens
some default known filetypes in respective programs, but could be
expanded to allow for features proper file managers usually have.
It is intended to be used in your shell scripts with the \f[V]-o\f[R]
flag to select a file.
You can see this in action in the spmenuify theme manager.
.SS Usage
Running \f[V]spmenu_run\f[R] in a shell will execute spmenu_run using
the default component (defined in the configuration file).
You can override this using arguments.
Note that you can always override this using arguments, see Arguments
for more information.
.SS Arguments
You may use long, descriptive arguments or the shorter arguments.
\f[V]-x, --run\f[R]
List entries in $PATH
\f[V]-f, --fm dir\f[R]
List files and directories in dir
\f[V]-d, --desktop\f[R]
List .desktop entries
\f[V]-p, --full-path\f[R]
Print the full path to the file selected (-fm)
\f[V]-np, --no-full-path\f[R]
Don\[cq]t print the full path to the file selected (-fm)
\f[V]-cc, --clear-cache\f[R]
Clear cache, useful if you just installed/uninstalled a program.
\f[V]-dm, --dmenu\f[R]
Run spmenu_run using dmenu instead of spmenu
\f[V]-ndm, --no-dmenu\f[R]
Run spmenu_run using spmenu instead of dmenu
\f[V]-h, --help\f[R]
Print help
\f[V]-o, --stdout\f[R]
Print to standard input and do not execute the selected item
\f[V]-no, --no-stdout\f[R]
Don\[cq]t print to standard input, execute the selected item
\f[V]-a, --args args\f[R]
Pass args to spmenu
.SS Configuration
When spmenu_run is started for the first time, a default configuration
file is created at \f[V]\[ti]/.config/spmenu/run/config\f[R].
If \f[V]${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}\f[R] has been changed this path will differ.
This configuration file unlike the spmenu configuration file is
configured in Bash, allowing you to use POSIX compliant features as well
as Bash features for not only configuration but also to create various
All of the variables are already defined, and there are several
functions you can define yourself which spmenu_run will execute on a
certain condition.
This allows for a very customizable run launcher, because it means
almost anything Bash can do can be done with spmenu_run.
spmenu_run will execute the following functions (from your
\f[V]\[ti]/.config/spmenu/run/config\f[R] file) if they are found:
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[V]run_pre_func\f[R] before spawning spmenu.
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\f[V]run_post_func\f[R] after spawning spmenu, selected item passed as
an argument.
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\f[V]desktop_pre_func\f[R] before spawning spmenu.
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\f[V]desktop_post_func\f[R] after spawning spmenu, selected item passed
as an argument.
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\f[V]fm_pre_func\f[R] before spawning spmenu.
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\f[V]fm_post_func\f[R] after spawning spmenu, selected item passed as an
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\f[V]fm_pre_list_func\f[R] right before listing out files.
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\f[V]fm_post_list_func\f[R] right after listing out files.
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\f[V]fm_dir_func\f[R] before changing directory to the selected
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\f[V]fm_line_func\f[R] for each line in ls output, the line is passed as
an argument, including SGR colors.
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\f[V]read_man\f[R] when reading a man page, selected item passed as an
More detailed documentation regarding this is available in the spmenu
wiki including example functions that can be copied into your
.SS License
spmenu_run is licensed under the MIT license just like spmenu itself
because that\[cq]s the original suckless license.
See the included LICENSE file for more information.
.SS Reporting issues
Please report issues on the Git
repository (https://git.speedie.site/speedie/spmenu) or alternatively
email me.
.SS See also
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spmenu wiki (https://spmenu.speedie.site)
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spmenu git repository (https://git.speedie.site/speedie/spmenu)
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spmenu GitHub mirror (https://github.com/speediegq/spmenu)