Jacob 3f456f3a37 Feature: Add the ability to take "screenshots" of spmenu.
It doesn't actually capture your screen, but rather saves the Cairo
surface to an image. The path to the image and some other options
can also be configured in the config file.

By default, Print Screen can be pressed in Normal mode with no modifier
to take a screenshot. The default location is the user's home directory,
and the file has a date attached to it. Of course, this can be changed
as well.
2023-06-30 02:44:29 +02:00

264 lines
18 KiB

/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
/* spmenu options */
static char *class = "spmenu"; /* Class for spmenu */
static int protocol = 1; /* Protocol to try first (0: X11, 1: Wayland) */
static int fast = 0; /* Grab keyboard first */
static int xresources = 1; /* Enable .Xresources support */
static int globalcolors = 1; /* Recognize global colors (such as colors generated by Pywal) */
static int loadconfig = 1; /* Load configuration (~/.config/spmenu/spmenu.conf) on runtime */
static int loadtheme = 1; /* Load theme (~/.config/spmenu/theme.conf) on runtime */
static int loadbinds = 1; /* Load keybind file (~/.config/spmenu/binds.conf) on runtime */
static int mon = -1; /* Monitor to run spmenu on */
/* Config file options */
static char *configfile = NULL; /* Config file path. Default is ~/.config/spmenu/spmenu.conf */
static char *themefile = NULL; /* Theme file path. Default is ~/.config/spmenu/theme.conf */
static char *bindsfile = NULL; /* Keybind file path. Default is ~/.config/spmenu/binds.conf */
/* Window options */
static int alpha = 1; /* Enable alpha */
static int menuposition = 2; /* Position of the menu (0: Bottom, 1: Top, 2: Center */
static int menupaddingv = 0; /* Vertical padding inside the menu (px) */
static int menupaddingh = 0; /* Horizontal padding inside the menu (px) */
static int menuwidth = 0; /* spmenu width */
static int menumarginv = 0; /* Vertical padding around the menu */
static int menumarginh = 0; /* Horizontal padding around the menu */
static int minwidth = 1000; /* Minimum width when centered */
static int xpos = 0; /* X position to offset spmenu */
static int ypos = 0; /* Y position to offset spmenu */
static int managed = 0; /* Let your window manager manage spmenu? */
/* Powerline options */
static int powerlineprompt = 1; /* Enable powerline for the prompt */
static int powerlinecount = 1; /* Enable powerline for the match count */
static int powerlinemode = 1; /* Enable powerline for the mode indicator */
static int powerlinecaps = 1; /* Enable powerline for the caps lock indicator */
static int powerlineitems = 1; /* Enable powerline for the items */
static int promptpwlstyle = 2; /* Prompt powerline style (0: >, 1: \, 2: )) */
static int matchcountpwlstyle = 2; /* Match count powerline style (0: <, 1: /, 2: () */
static int modepwlstyle = 2; /* Mode indicator powerline style (0: <, 1: /, 2: () */
static int capspwlstyle = 2; /* Caps lock indicator powerline style (0: <, 1: /, 2: () */
static int itempwlstyle = 2; /* Item powerline style (0: <>, 1: /\, 2: ()) */
/* Window properties */
static int dockproperty = 1; /* Set _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK */
/* Image options */
static int imagewidth = 200; /* Default image width (px) */
static int imageheight = 200; /* Default image height (px) */
static int imageresize = 1; /* Allow the spmenu window to resize itself to fit the image (0/1) */
static int imagegaps = 0; /* Image gaps */
static int imageposition = 0; /* Image position (0: Top, 1: Bottom, 2: Center, 3: Top center) */
static int generatecache = 1; /* Generate image cache by default */
static int maxcache = 512; /* Max image size to cache */
static char *cachedir = "default"; /* Cache directory. Default means spmenu will determine automatically */
/* Screenshot options */
static char *screenshotfile = NULL; /* Screenshot file path. If set to NULL, the default path will be used. */
static char *screenshotname = NULL; /* Screenshot file name. If set to NULL, the default name will be used. */
static char *screenshotdir = NULL; /* Screenshot file directory. If set to NULL, the default directory will be used. */
/* Mode options */
static int mode = 0; /* Mode to start speedwm in (0: Normal mode, 1: Insert mode) */
static char *normtext = "Normal"; /* Text to display for normal mode */
static char *instext = "Insert"; /* Text to display for insert mode */
static char *capslockontext = "Caps Lock"; /* Text to display for the caps lock indicator when caps lock is on */
static char *capslockofftext = ""; /* Text to display for the caps lock indicator when caps lock is off */
/* Window border options */
static int borderwidth = 0; /* Width of the border */
/* Font options */
static char font[] = "Noto Sans Mono 8"; /* Font to draw text and Pango markup with. */
static int textpadding = 0; /* Global text padding */
static int normitempadding = 0; /* Text padding for normal items */
static int selitempadding = 0; /* Text padding for the selected item */
static int priitempadding = 0; /* Text padding for the high priority items */
/* Text options */
static char *leftarrow = "<"; /* Left arrow, used to indicate you can move to the left */
static char *rightarrow = ">"; /* Right arrow, used to indicate you can move to the right */
static char *password = "*"; /* Password character, when the -P argument is active this will replace all characters typed */
static char *prompt = NULL; /* Default prompt */
static char *input = NULL; /* Default input text */
/* Match options */
static int type = 1; /* Allow typing into spmenu or only allow keybinds. */
static int passwd = 0; /* Replace input with another character and don't read stdin */
static int sortmatches = 1; /* Sort matches (0/1) */
static int casesensitive = 0; /* Case-sensitive by default? (0/1) */
static int mark = 1; /* Enable marking items (multi selection) (0/1) */
static int preselected = 0; /* Which line should spmenu preselect? */
static int fuzzy = 1; /* Whether or not to enable fuzzy matching by default */
static char *listfile = NULL; /* File to read entries from instead of stdin. NULL means read from stdin instead. */
/* Line options */
static int lineheight = 1; /* Line height (0: Calculate automatically) */
static int lines = 0; /* Default number of lines */
static int columns = 10; /* Default number of columns */
static int overridelines = 1; /* Allow overriding lines using keybinds */
static int overridecolumns = 1; /* Allow overriding columns using keybinds */
/* History options */
static int maxhist = 64; /* Max number of history entries */
static int histdup = 0; /* If 1, record repeated histories */
/* Prompt options */
static int indentitems = 0; /* Indent items to prompt width? (0/1) */
/* Caret options */
static int caretwidth = 0; /* Caret width (0: Calculate automatically) */
static int caretheight = 0; /* Caret height (0: Calculate automatically) */
static int caretpadding = 0; /* Caret padding (px) */
/* Hide options */
static int hideinput = 0; /* Hide input (0/1) */
static int hidelarrow = 0; /* Hide left arrow (0/1) */
static int hiderarrow = 0; /* Hide right arrow (0/1) */
static int hideitem = 0; /* Hide item (0/1) */
static int hideprompt = 0; /* Hide prompt (0/1) */
static int hidecaps = 0; /* Hide caps lock indicator (0/1) */
static int hidepowerline = 0; /* Hide powerline (0/1) */
static int hidecaret = 0; /* Hide caret (0/1) */
static int hidehighlight = 0; /* Hide highlight (0/1) */
static int hidematchcount = 0; /* Hide match count (0/1) */
static int hidemode = 0; /* Hide mode (0/1) */
static int hideimage = 0; /* Hide image (0/1) */
/* Color options
* Item colors */
static char col_itemnormfg[] = "#bbbbbb"; /* Normal foreground item color */
static char col_itemnormbg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Normal background item color */
static char col_itemnormfg2[] = "#bbbbbb"; /* Normal foreground item colors for the next item */
static char col_itemnormbg2[] = "#110f1f"; /* Normal background item colors for the next item */
static char col_itemselfg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Selected foreground item color */
static char col_itemselbg[] = "#8e93c2"; /* Selected background item color */
static char col_itemmarkedfg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Marked foreground item color */
static char col_itemmarkedbg[] = "#8e93c2"; /* Marked background item color */
static char col_itemnormprifg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Normal foreground item (high priority) color */
static char col_itemnormpribg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Normal background item (high priority) color */
static char col_itemselprifg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Selected foreground item (high priority) color */
static char col_itemselpribg[] = "#8e93c2"; /* Selected background item (high priority) color */
/* Input colors */
static char col_inputbg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Input field background color */
static char col_inputfg[] = "#eeeeee"; /* Input field foreground color */
/* Menu colors */
static char col_menu[] = "#110f1f"; /* Menu background color */
/* Prompt colors */
static char col_promptfg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Prompt foreground color */
static char col_promptbg[] = "#c66e5b"; /* Prompt background color */
/* Arrow colors */
static char col_larrowfg[] = "#bbbbbb"; /* Left arrow color */
static char col_rarrowfg[] = "#bbbbbb"; /* Right arrow color */
static char col_larrowbg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Left arrow color */
static char col_rarrowbg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Right arrow color */
/* Normal highlight colors */
static char col_hlnormfg[] = "#ffffff"; /* Normal text highlight color */
static char col_hlnormbg[] = "#000000"; /* Normal background highlight color */
/* Selected highlight colors */
static char col_hlselfg[] = "#ffffff"; /* Selected text highlight color */
static char col_hlselbg[] = "#000000"; /* Selected background highlight color */
/* Match count colors */
static char col_numfg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Match count text color */
static char col_numbg[] = "#eba62a"; /* Match count background color */
/* Border color */
static char col_border[] = "#8e93c2"; /* Border color */
/* Caret colors */
static char col_caretfg[] = "#ffffff"; /* Foreground caret color */
static char col_caretbg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Background caret color */
/* Mode colors */
static char col_modefg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Mode text color */
static char col_modebg[] = "#92c94b"; /* Mode background color */
/* Caps lock colors */
static char col_capsfg[] = "#110f1f"; /* Caps lock text color */
static char col_capsbg[] = "#f8d3e6"; /* Caps lock background color */
/* SGR colors */
static char col_sgr0[] = "#20201d"; /* SGR color #0 */
static char col_sgr1[] = "#d73737"; /* SGR color #1 */
static char col_sgr2[] = "#60ac39"; /* SGR color #2 */
static char col_sgr3[] = "#cfb017"; /* SGR color #3 */
static char col_sgr4[] = "#6684e1"; /* SGR color #4 */
static char col_sgr5[] = "#b854d4"; /* SGR color #5 */
static char col_sgr6[] = "#1fad83"; /* SGR color #6 */
static char col_sgr7[] = "#a6a28c"; /* SGR color #7 */
static char col_sgr8[] = "#7d7a68"; /* SGR color #8 */
static char col_sgr9[] = "#d73737"; /* SGR color #9 */
static char col_sgr10[] = "#60ac39"; /* SGR color #10 */
static char col_sgr11[] = "#cfb017"; /* SGR color #11 */
static char col_sgr12[] = "#6684e1"; /* SGR color #12 */
static char col_sgr13[] = "#b854d4"; /* SGR color #13 */
static char col_sgr14[] = "#1fad83"; /* SGR color #14 */
static char col_sgr15[] = "#fefbec"; /* SGR color #15 */
/* Alpha options */
static int alpha_itemnormfg = 255; /* Alpha for normal item foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_itemnormbg = 200; /* Alpha for normal item background (0-255) */
static int alpha_itemnormfg2 = 255; /* Alpha for next normal item foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_itemnormbg2 = 200; /* Alpha for next normal item background (0-255) */
static int alpha_itemselfg = 255; /* Alpha for selected item foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_itemselbg = 200; /* Alpha for selected item background (0-255) */
static int alpha_itemmarkedfg = 255; /* Alpha for marked item foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_itemmarkedbg = 200; /* Alpha for marked item background (0-255) */
static int alpha_itemnormprifg = 255; /* alpha for normal priority item foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_itemnormpribg = 200; /* Alpha for normal priority item background (0-255) */
static int alpha_itemselprifg = 255; /* Alpha for selected priority item foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_itemselpribg = 200; /* Alpha for selected priority item background (0-255) */
static int alpha_inputfg = 255; /* Alpha for input foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_inputbg = 200; /* Alpha for input background (0-255) */
static int alpha_menu = 200; /* Alpha for menu background (0-255) */
static int alpha_promptfg = 255; /* Alpha for prompt foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_promptbg = 200; /* Alpha for prompt background (0-255) */
static int alpha_larrowfg = 255; /* Alpha for left arrow foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_larrowbg = 200; /* Alpha for left arrow background (0-255) */
static int alpha_rarrowfg = 255; /* Alpha for right arrow foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_rarrowbg = 200; /* Alpha for right arrow background (0-255) */
static int alpha_hlnormfg = 255; /* Alpha for normal highlight foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_hlnormbg = 200; /* Alpha for normal highlight background (0-255) */
static int alpha_hlselfg = 255; /* Alpha for selected highlight foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_hlselbg = 200; /* Alpha for selected highlight background (0-255) */
static int alpha_numfg = 255; /* Alpha for match count foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_numbg = 200; /* Alpha for the match count background (0-255) */
static int alpha_border = 255; /* Alpha for the border (0-255) */
static int alpha_caretfg = 255; /* Alpha for the caret foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_caretbg = 200; /* Alpha for the caret background (0-255) */
static int alpha_modefg = 255; /* Alpha for the mode indicator foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_modebg = 200; /* Alpha for the mode indicator background (0-255) */
static int alpha_capsfg = 255; /* Alpha for the caps lock indicator foreground (0-255) */
static int alpha_capsbg = 200; /* Alpha for the caps lock indicator background (0-255) */
/* Pango options */
static int pango_item = 1; /* Enable support for pango markup for the items */
static int pango_highlight = 1; /* Enable support for pango markup for the highlighting */
static int pango_prompt = 1; /* Enable support for pango markup for the prompt */
static int pango_caps = 1; /* Enable support for pango markup for the caps lock indicator */
static int pango_input = 1; /* Enable support for pango markup for user input */
static int pango_leftarrow = 0; /* Enable support for pango markup for the left arrow */
static int pango_rightarrow = 0; /* Enable support for pango markup for the right arrow */
static int pango_numbers = 0; /* Enable support for pango markup for the match count */
static int pango_mode = 0; /* Enable support for pango markup for the mode indicator */
static int pango_password = 0; /* Enable support for pango markup for the password text */
/* Misc */
static int printindex = 0; /* Print index instead of the text itself (0/1) */
static int requirematch = 0; /* Require input text to match an item (0/1) */
static int incremental = 0; /* Print text every time a key is pressed (0/1) */
static int coloritems = 1; /* Color items (0/1) */
static int sgr = 1; /* Support SGR sequences (0/1) */
static char *worddelimiters = " "; /* Word delimiters used for keybinds that change words, Space is default. */