Jacob bf5c36c245 Allow one more item to be displayed
While this means a VERY insignificant part of the spmenu client is cut
off in some cases (such as on my 1366x768 display), it allows one extra
item to be displayed and importantly for aesthetics, doesn't leave an
empty gap. I consider this worth it, but this might cause problems on
other screen resolutions. Please file a bug report in any such cases.
2023-09-06 18:53:49 +02:00

616 lines
16 KiB

/* spmenu - fancy dynamic menu
* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "libs/main.c"
#include "libs/draw/draw.h"
#ifndef VERSION
#define VERSION "unknown"
enum {
struct item {
char *text;
char *nsgrtext;
char *image;
char *ex;
struct item *left, *right;
int hp;
int index;
double distance;
struct sp {
int bh; // height of each menu item
int mw; // width
int mh; // height
int vp; // vertical padding for bar
int sp; // side padding for bar
int lrpad; // sum of left and right padding
int mode; // current mode
int allowkeys; // interpret a keypress as an insertion?
int capslockstate; // caps lock state
int isdrawing;
int inputw; // input width
int promptw; // prompt width
int plw; // powerline width
int itemnumber; // item number
int listcount;
int listchanged;
int maxlen; // max length of text
size_t cursor; // cursor width
int ignoreconfkeys; // can be set globally if you don't want to override keybinds with config file keys
int ignoreglobalkeys; // should be set in the config file, if 1, the Keys keys array is ignored
int ignoreconfmouse; // same for mouse
int ignoreglobalmouse; // same for mouse
struct mo {
int output_width; // output width
int output_height; // output height
struct img {
int setlines; // actual lines
int flip; // %=
int longestedge; // MAX(imagewidth, imageheight)
int imagewidth; // current image width
int imageheight; // current image height
int imagegaps; // current image gaps
struct tx {
char modetext[64]; // mode text
char text[BUFSIZ]; // input text
char numbers[NUMBERSBUFSIZE]; // number text
char capstext[64]; // caps lock text
#if X11
struct x11 {
int numlockmask;
int useargb;
int depth;
char *embed;
int screen;
Visual *visual;
Colormap cmap;
static struct sp sp = {0};
static struct tx tx = {0};
static struct mo mo = {0};
static struct img img = {0};
#if X11
static struct x11 x11 = {0};
static struct item *items = NULL;
static struct item *history_items;
static struct item *list_items;
static struct item *matches;
static struct item *matchend;
static struct item *previousitem;
static struct item *currentitem;
static struct item *nextitem;
static struct item *selecteditem;
static struct item *mouseitem;
static Draw_t *draw;
static int hplength = 0;
static char **hpitems = NULL;
static int theme_override = 0;
static int binds_override = 0;
static int protocol_override = 0;
static int *sel_index = NULL;
static unsigned int sel_size = 0;
static int itemn = 0;
#if RTL
static int isrtl = 1;
static int isrtl = 0;
static int is_selected(size_t index);
static void calcoffsets(void);
static void recalculatenumbers(void);
static void insert(const char *str, ssize_t n);
static void cleanup(void);
static void navigatehistfile(int dir);
static void resizeclient(void);
static void get_width(void);
static void get_mh(void);
static void set_mode(void);
static void handle(void);
static void appenditem(struct item *item, struct item **list, struct item **last);
static int max_textw(void);
static size_t nextrune(int inc);
static char * cistrstr(const char *s, const char *sub);
static int (*fstrncmp)(const char *, const char *, size_t) = strncasecmp;
static char *(*fstrstr)(const char *, const char *) = cistrstr;
static char **list;
static size_t listsize;
// various headers
#include "libs/options.h"
#include "libs/draw.h"
#include "libs/arg.h"
#include "libs/x11/inc.h"
#include "libs/wl/inc.h"
static char *fonts[] = { font };
#include "libs/img.c"
#include "libs/icon.c"
#include "libs/rtl.c"
#include "libs/sort.c"
#include "libs/match.c"
#include "libs/schemes.c"
#include "libs/stream.c"
#include "libs/draw.c"
#include "libs/conf/config.c"
#include "libs/argv.c"
#include "libs/history.c"
#include "libs/arg.c"
#include "libs/fifo.c"
#if X11
static Key keys[] = {
{ -1, 0, XK_Return, selectitem, {.i = +1 } },
{ -1, Shift, XK_Return, selectitem, {0} },
{ -1, Ctrl, XK_Return, markitem, {0} },
{ -1, 0, XK_Tab, complete, {0} },
{ -1, Ctrl, XK_v, paste, {.i = 2 } },
{ -1, 0, XK_BackSpace, backspace, {0} },
{ -1, Ctrl, XK_BackSpace, deleteword, {0} },
{ -1, Ctrl|Shift, XK_p, setprofile, {0} },
{ -1, 0, XK_Print, screenshot, {0} },
{ -1, Ctrl, XK_equal, setimgsize, {.i = +10 } },
{ -1, Ctrl, XK_minus, setimgsize, {.i = -10 } },
{ -1, 0, XK_Up, moveup, {0} },
{ -1, 0, XK_Down, movedown, {0} },
{ -1, 0, XK_Left, moveleft, {0} },
{ -1, 0, XK_Right, moveright, {0} },
{ -1, Ctrl, XK_u, moveup, {.i = 5 } },
{ -1, Ctrl, XK_d, movedown, {.i = 5 } },
{ -1, Shift, XK_h, viewhist, {0} },
{ -1, 0, XK_Escape, quit, {0} },
{ -1, Ctrl, XK_p, navhistory, {.i = -1 } },
{ -1, Ctrl, XK_n, navhistory, {.i = +1 } },
static WlKey wl_keys[] = {
{ -1, WL_None, XKB_KEY_Return, selectitem, {.i = +1 } },
{ -1, WL_Shift, XKB_KEY_Return, selectitem, {0} },
{ -1, WL_Ctrl, XKB_KEY_Return, markitem, {0} },
{ -1, WL_None, XKB_KEY_Tab, complete, {0} },
{ -1, WL_Ctrl, XKB_KEY_v, paste, {.i = 2 } },
{ -1, WL_None, XKB_KEY_BackSpace, backspace, {0} },
{ -1, WL_Ctrl, XKB_KEY_BackSpace, deleteword, {0} },
{ -1, WL_CtrlShift, XKB_KEY_p, setprofile, {0} },
{ -1, WL_None, XKB_KEY_Print, screenshot, {0} },
{ -1, WL_Ctrl, XKB_KEY_equal, setimgsize, {.i = +10 } },
{ -1, WL_Ctrl, XKB_KEY_minus, setimgsize, {.i = -10 } },
{ -1, WL_None, XKB_KEY_Up, moveup, {0} },
{ -1, WL_None, XKB_KEY_Down, movedown, {0} },
{ -1, WL_None, XKB_KEY_Left, moveleft, {0} },
{ -1, WL_None, XKB_KEY_Right, moveright, {0} },
{ -1, WL_Ctrl, XKB_KEY_u, moveup, {.i = 5 } },
{ -1, WL_Ctrl, XKB_KEY_d, movedown, {.i = 5 } },
{ -1, WL_Shift, XKB_KEY_h, viewhist, {0} },
{ -1, WL_None, XKB_KEY_Escape, quit, {0} },
{ -1, WL_Ctrl, XKB_KEY_p, navhistory, {.i = -1 } },
{ -1, WL_Ctrl, XKB_KEY_n, navhistory, {.i = +1 } },
#if X11
static Mouse buttons[] = {
{ ClickInput, Button1, clear, {0} },
{ ClickPrompt, Button1, clear, {0} },
{ ClickMode, Button1, switchmode, {0} },
{ ClickNumber, Button1, viewhist, {0} },
{ ClickItem, Button1, selecthover, {0} },
{ ClickItem, Button2, markhover, {0} },
{ ClickNone, Button5, movenext, {0} },
{ ClickNone, Button4, moveprev, {0} },
static WlMouse wl_buttons[] = {
{ ClickInput, WL_Left, clear, {0} },
{ ClickPrompt, WL_Left, clear, {0} },
{ ClickMode, WL_Left, switchmode, {0} },
{ ClickNumber, WL_Left, viewhist, {0} },
{ ClickItem, WL_Left, selecthover, {0} },
{ ClickItem, WL_Right, markhover, {0} },
{ ClickNone, WL_Down, movenext, {0} },
{ ClickNone, WL_Up, moveprev, {0} },
#include "libs/x11/inc.c"
#include "libs/wl/inc.c"
int is_selected(size_t index) {
for (int i = 0; i < sel_size; i++) {
if (sel_index[i] == index) {
return 1;
return 0;
void appenditem(struct item *item, struct item **list, struct item **last) {
if (*last)
(*last)->right = item;
*list = item;
item->left = *last;
item->right = NULL;
*last = item;
void recalculatenumbers(void) {
unsigned int numer = 0, denom = 0, selected = 0;
struct item *item;
if (matchend) {
for (item = matchend; item && item->left; item = item->left)
for (item = items; item && item->text; item++) {
for (int i = 0; i < sel_size; i++) {
if (sel_index[i] == -1) {
if (selected) {
snprintf(tx.numbers, NUMBERSBUFSIZE, "%d/%d/%d", numer, denom, selected);
} else {
snprintf(tx.numbers, NUMBERSBUFSIZE, "%d/%d", numer, denom);
void calcoffsets(void) {
int i, offset;
int numberw = 0;
int modew = 0;
int larroww = 0;
int rarroww = 0;
int capsw = 0;
if (!hidematchcount) numberw = pango_numbers ? TEXTWM(tx.numbers) : TEXTW(tx.numbers);
if (!hidemode) modew = pango_mode ? TEXTWM(tx.modetext) : TEXTW(tx.modetext);
if (!hidelarrow) larroww = pango_leftarrow ? TEXTWM(leftarrow) : TEXTW(leftarrow);
if (!hiderarrow) rarroww = pango_rightarrow ? TEXTWM(rightarrow) : TEXTW(rightarrow);
if (!hidecaps) capsw = pango_caps ? TEXTWM(tx.capstext) : TEXTW(tx.capstext);
if (!strcmp(tx.capstext, "")) {
capsw = 0;
if (lines > 0) {
offset = lines * columns * sp.bh;
sp.maxlen = sp.mw - (sp.promptw + modew + numberw + capsw + menumarginh);
} else { /* no lines, therefore the size of items must be decreased to fit the menu elements */
offset = sp.mw - (sp.promptw + sp.inputw + larroww + rarroww + modew + numberw + capsw + menumarginh);
sp.maxlen = selecteditem ? sp.inputw : sp.mw - (sp.promptw + modew + numberw + capsw + (selecteditem ? larroww : 0) + (selecteditem ? rarroww : 0));
for (i = 0, nextitem = currentitem; nextitem; nextitem = nextitem->right) { // next page
nextitem->nsgrtext = get_text_n_sgr(nextitem);
if ((i += (lines > 0) ? sp.bh : MIN(TEXTWM(nextitem->nsgrtext) + (powerlineitems ? !lines ? 3 * sp.plw : 0 : 0), offset)) > offset)
for (i = 0, previousitem = currentitem; previousitem && previousitem->left; previousitem = previousitem->left) { // previous page
previousitem->nsgrtext = get_text_n_sgr(previousitem);
if ((i += (lines > 0) ? sp.bh : MIN(TEXTWM(previousitem->left->nsgrtext) + (powerlineitems ? !lines ? 3 * sp.plw : 0 : 0), offset)) > offset)
int max_textw(void) {
int len = 0;
for (struct item *item = items; item && item->text; item++)
len = MAX(TEXTW(item->text), len);
return len;
void cleanup(void) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < hplength; ++i)
#if X11
if (!protocol) {
#if FIFO
char * cistrstr(const char *h, const char *n) {
size_t i;
if (!n[0])
return (char *)h;
for (; *h; ++h) {
for (i = 0; n[i] && tolower((unsigned char)n[i]) ==
tolower((unsigned char)h[i]); ++i);
if (n[i] == '\0')
return (char *)h;
return NULL;
void insert(const char *str, ssize_t n) {
if (strlen(tx.text) + n > sizeof tx.text - 1)
static char l[BUFSIZ] = "";
if (requirematch) {
memcpy(l, tx.text, BUFSIZ);
// move existing text out of the way, insert new text, and update cursor
&tx.text[sp.cursor + n],
sizeof tx.text - sp.cursor - MAX(n, 0)
if (n > 0 && str && n) {
memcpy(&tx.text[sp.cursor], str, n);
sp.cursor += n;
if (!matches && requirematch) {
memcpy(tx.text, l, BUFSIZ);
sp.cursor -= n;
// output on insertion
if (incremental) {
size_t nextrune(int inc) {
ssize_t rune;
// return location of next utf8 rune in the given direction (+1 or -1)
for (rune = sp.cursor + inc; rune + inc >= 0 && (tx.text[rune] & 0xc0) == 0x80; rune += inc)
return rune;
void resizeclient(void) {
if (protocol) {
} else {
#if X11
#elif X11
/* Width reserved for input when !lines is a fixed size of the menu width * inputwidth
* This is reasonable, but in rare cases may cause input text to overlap
* items.
void get_width(void) {
sp.inputw = sp.mw * inputwidth;
void get_mh(void) {
int epad;
sp.mh = (lines + 1) * sp.bh;
sp.mh += 2 * menumarginv;
// subtract 1 line if there's nothing to draw on the top line
if ((hideprompt && hideinput && hidemode && hidematchcount && hidecaps) && lines) {
sp.mh -= sp.bh;
epad = 2 * menupaddingv;
// the spmenu window should not exceed the screen resolution height
if (mo.output_height && !xpos && !ypos) {
sp.mh = MIN(sp.mh, mo.output_height - epad);
if (sp.mh == mo.output_height - epad) {
lines = ((mo.output_height - epad) / sp.bh);
void set_mode(void) {
if (!type) { // no typing allowed, require normal mode
sp.mode = 0;
// set default mode, must be done before the event loop or keybindings will not work
if (mode) {
sp.mode = 1;
sp.allowkeys = 1;
sp_strncpy(tx.modetext, instext, sizeof(tx.modetext));
} else {
sp.mode = 0;
sp.allowkeys = !sp.mode;
sp_strncpy(tx.modetext, normtext, sizeof(tx.modetext));
if (forceinsertmode) {
sp.mode = 1;
sp.allowkeys = 1;
void handle(void) {
if (!protocol) {
#if X11
if (!draw_font_create(draw, fonts, LENGTH(fonts))) {
die("no fonts could be loaded.");
if (fast && !isatty(0)) {
} else {
init_appearance(); // init colorschemes by reading arrays
setupdisplay_x11(); // set up display and create window
#if FIFO
eventloop_x11(); // function is a loop which checks X11 events and calls other functions accordingly
} else {
// Disable some X11 only features
menupaddingv = menupaddingh = 0;
xpos = ypos = 0;
borderwidth = 0;
managed = 0;
draw = draw_create_wl(protocol);
if (!draw_font_create(draw, fonts, LENGTH(fonts))) {
die("no fonts could be loaded.");
#if FIFO
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
readargs(argc, argv);
/* pledge limits what programs can do, so here we specify what spmenu should be allowed to do
* TODO: Test this on an actual OpenBSD operating system
#ifdef __OpenBSD__
if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath", NULL) == -1)
return 1;