/* spmenu * Below is a configuration file which is technically C source code. * See the LICENSE file for license details. */ /* spmenu options */ static char class[] = "spmenu"; /* Class for spmenu */ static int xresources = 1; /* Enable .Xresources support */ /* Window options */ static int alpha = 1; /* Enable alpha */ static int menuposition = 1; /* Position of the menu */ static int menupaddingv = 0; /* Vertical padding of bar (in pixels) */ static int menupaddingh = 0; /* Horizontal padding of bar (in pixels) */ static int minwidth = 500; /* Minimum width */ static int centered = 0; /* Whether or not to center spmenu by default */ static int colorsupport = 1; /* Support 256 colors? Otherwise the default 16 colors will be used. */ /* Window border options */ static int borderwidth = 2; /* Width of the border */ static int bordercentered = 1; /* Draw border only when centered */ /* Font options */ static char font[] = "DejaVu Sans Mono 8"; /* Font to draw text and Pango markup with. */ /* Symbol options */ static char *leftarrow = "<"; /* Left arrow, used to indicate you can move to the left */ static char *rightarrow = ">"; /* Right arrow, used to indicate you can move to the right */ /* Match options */ static int type = 1; /* Allow typing into spmenu or only allow keybinds. */ static int casesensitive = 0; /* Case-sensitive by default? (0/1) */ static int preselected = 0; /* Which line should spmenu preselect? */ static int accuratewidth = 1; /* Enable accurate width. May have a performance hit if you are matching a lot of items at once */ static int fuzzy = 1; /* Whether or not to enable fuzzy matching by default */ /* Line options */ static int lines = 0; /* Default number of lines */ static int columns = 10; /* Default number of columns */ static int lineheight = 20; /* Height of each line */ static int minlineheight = 5; /* Minimum line height */ /* History options */ static unsigned int maxhist = 64; /* Max number of history entries */ static int histnodup = 1; /* If 0, record repeated histories */ /* Prompt options */ static int colorprompt = 1; /* Color prompt (0/1) */ static char *prompt = NULL; /* Default prompt, set to NULL (nothing) */ /* Hide options */ static int hidematchcount = 0; /* Hide match count (0/1) */ /* Color options * * Item colors */ static char col_itemnormfg[] = "#bbbbbb"; /* Normal foreground item color */ static char col_itemnormbg[] = "#222222"; /* Normal background item color */ static char col_itemselfg[] = "#eeeeee"; /* Selected foreground item color */ static char col_itemselbg[] = "#005577"; /* Selected background item color */ /* Menu colors */ static char col_menubgcolor[] = "#222222"; /* Menu background color */ /* Prompt colors */ static char col_promptfg[] = "#eeeeee"; /* Prompt foreground color */ static char col_promptbg[] = "#005577"; /* Prompt background color */ /* Arrow colors */ static char col_larrowfg[] = "#bbbbbb"; /* Left arrow color */ static char col_rarrowfg[] = "#bbbbbb"; /* Right arrow color */ static char col_larrowbg[] = "#222222"; /* Left arrow color */ static char col_rarrowbg[] = "#222222"; /* Right arrow color */ /* Normal highlight colors */ static char col_normhlfgcolor[] = "#ffffff"; /* Text highlight color for unselected */ static char col_normhlbgcolor[] = "#000000"; /* Background highlight color for unselected */ /* Selected highlight colors */ static char col_selhlfgcolor[] = "#ffffff"; /* Text highlight color for selected */ static char col_selhlbgcolor[] = "#000000"; /* Background highlight color for selected */ /* Match count colors */ static char col_numfgcolor[] = "#ffffff"; /* Match count text color */ static char col_numbgcolor[] = "#000000"; /* Match count background color */ /* Border color */ static char col_bordercolor[] = "#005577"; /* Border color */ /* Caret colors */ static char col_caretfgcolor[] = "#ffffff"; /* Caret color */ /* SGR colors */ static char col_sgrcolor0[] = "#000000"; /* SGR color #0 */ static char col_sgrcolor1[] = "#7f0000"; /* SGR color #1 */ static char col_sgrcolor2[] = "#007f00"; /* SGR color #2 */ static char col_sgrcolor3[] = "#7f7f00"; /* SGR color #3 */ static char col_sgrcolor4[] = "#00007f"; /* SGR color #4 */ static char col_sgrcolor5[] = "#7f007f"; /* SGR color #5 */ static char col_sgrcolor6[] = "#007f7f"; /* SGR color #6 */ static char col_sgrcolor7[] = "#cccccc"; /* SGR color #7 */ static char col_sgrcolor8[] = "#333333"; /* SGR color #8 */ static char col_sgrcolor9[] = "#ff0000"; /* SGR color #9 */ static char col_sgrcolor10[] = "#00ff00"; /* SGR color #10 */ static char col_sgrcolor11[] = "#ffff00"; /* SGR color #11 */ static char col_sgrcolor12[] = "#0000ff"; /* SGR color #12 */ static char col_sgrcolor13[] = "#ff00ff"; /* SGR color #13 */ static char col_sgrcolor14[] = "#00ffff"; /* SGR color #14 */ static char col_sgrcolor15[] = "#ffffff"; /* SGR color #15 */ /* Alpha options */ #define fgalpha opaque /* Foreground alpha */ #define bgalpha 200 /* Background alpha */ #define borderalpha opaque /* Border alpha */ /* Misc */ static char worddelimiters[] = " "; /* Word delimiters, " " is default. */