
This commit is contained in:
speedie 2023-02-26 15:44:09 +01:00
parent ed63496383
commit 45d6bac349
2 changed files with 188 additions and 188 deletions

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@ -17,104 +17,104 @@ On top of this, you can specify arguments to change the behavior of spmenu. See
## 3. Arguments
- spmenu -l <line> Set line count to stdin
- spmenu -h <height> Set spmenu line height to <height>
- spmenu -g <grid> Set the number of grids to <grid>
- spmenu -gc Generate image cache
- spmenu -rw Enable relative input width
- spmenu -nrw Disable relative input width
- spmenu -f Grabs keyboard before reading stdin
- spmenu -F Enable fuzzy matching
- spmenu -P Hide characters
- spmenu -p <text> Set spmenu prompt text to <text>
- spmenu -a Enable alpha
- spmenu -na Disable alpha
- spmenu -cp Color prompt
- spmenu -ncp Don't color prompt
- spmenu -tp Allow the user to type
- spmenu -nt Don't allow typing, the user must select an option
- spmenu -x <x offset> Offset spmenu x position by <x offset>
- spmenu -y <y offset> Offset spmenu y position by <y offset>
- spmenu -n <line> Preselect <line> in the list of items
- spmenu -z <width> Width of the spmenu window
- spmenu -nmt <text> Set normal mode text to <text>
- spmenu -imt <text> Set insert mode text to <text>
- spmenu -bw Width of the border. 0 will disable the border
- spmenu -s Use case-sensitive matching
- spmenu -i Use case-insensitive matching
- spmenu -nm Start spmenu in normal mode
- spmenu -im Start spmenu in insert mode
- spmenu -t Position spmenu at the top of the screen
- spmenu -b Position spmenu at the bottom of the screen
- spmenu -c Position spmenu at the center of the screen
- spmenu -hm Hide mode indicator
- spmenu -hmc Hide match count
- spmenu -sm Show mode indicator
- spmenu -smc Show match count
- spmenu -xrdb Load .Xresources on runtime
- spmenu -w <window id> Embed spmenu inside <window id>
- spmenu -H <hist file> Specify a path to save the history to
- spmenu -ig <gaps> Set image gaps to <gaps>
- spmenu -lp <padding> Set the vertical padding
- spmenu -hp <padding> Set the horizontal padding
- spmenu -la <symbol> Set the left arrow to <symbol>
- spmenu -ra <symbol> Set the right arrow to <symbol>
- spmenu -is <size> Image size
- spmenu -it Position the image at the top
- spmenu -ib Position the image at the bottom
- spmenu -ic Position the image in the center
- spmenu -itc Position the image in the top center
- spmenu -wm Spawn spmenu as a window manager controlled client/window. Useful for testing
- spmenu -v Print spmenu version to stdout
- spmenu -l line - Set line count to stdin
- spmenu -h height - Set spmenu line height to height
- spmenu -g grid - Set the number of grids to grid
- spmenu -gc - Generate image cache
- spmenu -rw - Enable relative input width
- spmenu -nrw - Disable relative input width
- spmenu -f - Grabs keyboard before reading stdin
- spmenu -F - Enable fuzzy matching
- spmenu -P - Hide characters
- spmenu -p text - Set spmenu prompt text to text
- spmenu -a - Enable alpha
- spmenu -na - Disable alpha
- spmenu -cp - Color prompt
- spmenu -ncp - Don't color prompt
- spmenu -tp - Allow the user to type
- spmenu -nt - Don't allow typing, the user must select an option
- spmenu -x x offset - Offset spmenu x position by x offset
- spmenu -y y offset - Offset spmenu y position by y offset
- spmenu -n line - Preselect line in the list of items
- spmenu -z width - Width of the spmenu window
- spmenu -nmt text - Set normal mode text to text
- spmenu -imt text - Set insert mode text to text
- spmenu -bw - Width of the border. 0 will disable the border
- spmenu -s - Use case-sensitive matching
- spmenu -i - Use case-insensitive matching
- spmenu -nm - Start spmenu in normal mode
- spmenu -im - Start spmenu in insert mode
- spmenu -t - Position spmenu at the top of the screen
- spmenu -b - Position spmenu at the bottom of the screen
- spmenu -c - Position spmenu at the center of the screen
- spmenu -hm - Hide mode indicator
- spmenu -hmc - Hide match count
- spmenu -sm - Show mode indicator
- spmenu -smc - Show match count
- spmenu -xrdb - Load .Xresources on runtime
- spmenu -w window id - Embed spmenu inside window id
- spmenu -H hist file - Specify a path to save the history to
- spmenu -ig gaps - Set image gaps to gaps
- spmenu -lp padding - Set the vertical padding
- spmenu -hp padding - Set the horizontal padding
- spmenu -la symbol - Set the left arrow to symbol
- spmenu -ra symbol - Set the right arrow to symbol
- spmenu -is size - Image size
- spmenu -it - Position the image at the top
- spmenu -ib - Position the image at the bottom
- spmenu -ic - Position the image in the center
- spmenu -itc - Position the image in the top center
- spmenu -wm - Spawn spmenu as a window manager controlled client/window. Useful for testing
- spmenu -v - Print spmenu version to stdout
- spmenu -fn <font> Set the spmenu font to <font>
- spmenu -nif <color> Set the normal item foreground color
- spmenu -nib <color> Set the normal item background color
- spmenu -sif <color> Set the selected item foreground color
- spmenu -sib <color> Set the selected item background color
- spmenu -pfg <color> Set the prompt foreground color
- spmenu -pbg <color> Set the prompt background color
- spmenu -ifg <color> Set input foreground color
- spmenu -ibg <color> Set input background color
- spmenu -mbg <color> Set the menu background color
- spmenu -nhf <color> Set the normal highlight foreground color
- spmenu -nhb <color> Set the normal highlight background color
- spmenu -shf <color> Set the selected highlight foreground color
- spmenu -shb <color> Set the selected highlight background color
- spmenu -shb <color> Set the selected highlight background color
- spmenu -nfg <color> Set the foreground color for the match count
- spmenu -nbg <color> Set the background color for the match count
- spmenu -mfg <color> Set the foreground color for the mode indicator
- spmenu -mbg <color> Set the background color for the mode indicator
- spmenu -laf <color> Set the left arrow foreground color
- spmenu -raf <color> Set the right arrow foreground color
- spmenu -lab <color> Set the left arrow background color
- spmenu -rab <color> Set the right arrow background color
- spmenu -cc <color> Set the caret color
- spmenu -bc <color> Set the border color
- spmenu -sgr0 Set the SGR 0 color
- spmenu -sgr1 Set the SGR 1 color
- spmenu -sgr2 Set the SGR 2 color
- spmenu -sgr3 Set the SGR 3 color
- spmenu -sgr4 Set the SGR 4 color
- spmenu -sgr5 Set the SGR 5 color
- spmenu -sgr6 Set the SGR 6 color
- spmenu -sgr7 Set the SGR 7 color
- spmenu -sgr8 Set the SGR 8 color
- spmenu -sgr9 Set the SGR 9 color
- spmenu -sgr10 Set the SGR 10 color
- spmenu -sgr11 Set the SGR 11 color
- spmenu -sgr12 Set the SGR 12 color
- spmenu -sgr13 Set the SGR 13 color
- spmenu -sgr14 Set the SGR 14 color
- spmenu -sgr15 Set the SGR 15 color
- spmenu -fn font - Set the spmenu font to font
- spmenu -nif color - Set the normal item foreground color
- spmenu -nib color - Set the normal item background color
- spmenu -sif color - Set the selected item foreground color
- spmenu -sib color - Set the selected item background color
- spmenu -pfg color - Set the prompt foreground color
- spmenu -pbg color - Set the prompt background color
- spmenu -ifg color - Set input foreground color
- spmenu -ibg color - Set input background color
- spmenu -mbg color - Set the menu background color
- spmenu -nhf color - Set the normal highlight foreground color
- spmenu -nhb color - Set the normal highlight background color
- spmenu -shf color - Set the selected highlight foreground color
- spmenu -shb color - Set the selected highlight background color
- spmenu -shb color - Set the selected highlight background color
- spmenu -nfg color - Set the foreground color for the match count
- spmenu -nbg color - Set the background color for the match count
- spmenu -mfg color - Set the foreground color for the mode indicator
- spmenu -mbg color - Set the background color for the mode indicator
- spmenu -laf color - Set the left arrow foreground color
- spmenu -raf color - Set the right arrow foreground color
- spmenu -lab color - Set the left arrow background color
- spmenu -rab color - Set the right arrow background color
- spmenu -cc color - Set the caret color
- spmenu -bc color - Set the border color
- spmenu -sgr0 - Set the SGR 0 color
- spmenu -sgr1 - Set the SGR 1 color
- spmenu -sgr2 - Set the SGR 2 color
- spmenu -sgr3 - Set the SGR 3 color
- spmenu -sgr4 - Set the SGR 4 color
- spmenu -sgr5 - Set the SGR 5 color
- spmenu -sgr6 - Set the SGR 6 color
- spmenu -sgr7 - Set the SGR 7 color
- spmenu -sgr8 - Set the SGR 8 color
- spmenu -sgr9 - Set the SGR 9 color
- spmenu -sgr10 - Set the SGR 10 color
- spmenu -sgr11 - Set the SGR 11 color
- spmenu -sgr12 - Set the SGR 12 color
- spmenu -sgr13 - Set the SGR 13 color
- spmenu -sgr14 - Set the SGR 14 color
- spmenu -sgr15 - Set the SGR 15 color
There are also extra arguments recognized for dmenu compatibility. These are:
- spmenu -nb <color> Set the normal background color
- spmenu -nf <color> Set the normal foreground color
- spmenu -sb <color> Set the selected background color
- spmenu -sf <color> Set the selected foreground color
- spmenu -nb color - Set the normal background color
- spmenu -nf color - Set the normal foreground color
- spmenu -sb color - Set the selected background color
- spmenu -sf color - Set the selected foreground color
## 4. Keybinds

View file

@ -45,198 +45,198 @@ spmenu.
See a list below for a list.
.SS 3. Arguments
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -l Set line count to stdin
spmenu -l line - Set line count to stdin
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -h Set spmenu line height to
spmenu -h height - Set spmenu line height to height
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -g Set the number of grids to
spmenu -g grid - Set the number of grids to grid
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -gc Generate image cache
spmenu -gc - Generate image cache
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -rw Enable relative input width
spmenu -rw - Enable relative input width
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -nrw Disable relative input width
spmenu -nrw - Disable relative input width
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -f Grabs keyboard before reading stdin
spmenu -f - Grabs keyboard before reading stdin
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -F Enable fuzzy matching
spmenu -F - Enable fuzzy matching
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -P Hide characters
spmenu -P - Hide characters
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -p Set spmenu prompt text to
spmenu -p text - Set spmenu prompt text to text
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -a Enable alpha
spmenu -a - Enable alpha
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -na Disable alpha
spmenu -na - Disable alpha
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -cp Color prompt
spmenu -cp - Color prompt
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -ncp Don\[cq]t color prompt
spmenu -ncp - Don\[cq]t color prompt
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -tp Allow the user to type
spmenu -tp - Allow the user to type
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -nt Don\[cq]t allow typing, the user must select an option
spmenu -nt - Don\[cq]t allow typing, the user must select an option
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -x Offset spmenu x position by
spmenu -x x offset - Offset spmenu x position by x offset
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -y Offset spmenu y position by
spmenu -y y offset - Offset spmenu y position by y offset
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -n Preselect in the list of items
spmenu -n line - Preselect line in the list of items
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -z Width of the spmenu window
spmenu -z width - Width of the spmenu window
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -nmt Set normal mode text to
spmenu -nmt text - Set normal mode text to text
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -imt Set insert mode text to
spmenu -imt text - Set insert mode text to text
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -bw Width of the border.
spmenu -bw - Width of the border.
0 will disable the border
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -s Use case-sensitive matching
spmenu -s - Use case-sensitive matching
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -i Use case-insensitive matching
spmenu -i - Use case-insensitive matching
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -nm Start spmenu in normal mode
spmenu -nm - Start spmenu in normal mode
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -im Start spmenu in insert mode
spmenu -im - Start spmenu in insert mode
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -t Position spmenu at the top of the screen
spmenu -t - Position spmenu at the top of the screen
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -b Position spmenu at the bottom of the screen
spmenu -b - Position spmenu at the bottom of the screen
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -c Position spmenu at the center of the screen
spmenu -c - Position spmenu at the center of the screen
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -hm Hide mode indicator
spmenu -hm - Hide mode indicator
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -hmc Hide match count
spmenu -hmc - Hide match count
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sm Show mode indicator
spmenu -sm - Show mode indicator
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -smc Show match count
spmenu -smc - Show match count
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -xrdb Load .Xresources on runtime
spmenu -xrdb - Load .Xresources on runtime
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -w Embed spmenu inside
spmenu -w window id - Embed spmenu inside window id
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -H Specify a path to save the history to
spmenu -H hist file - Specify a path to save the history to
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -ig Set image gaps to
spmenu -ig gaps - Set image gaps to gaps
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -lp Set the vertical padding
spmenu -lp padding - Set the vertical padding
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -hp Set the horizontal padding
spmenu -hp padding - Set the horizontal padding
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -la Set the left arrow to
spmenu -la symbol - Set the left arrow to symbol
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -ra Set the right arrow to
spmenu -ra symbol - Set the right arrow to symbol
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -is Image size
spmenu -is size - Image size
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -it Position the image at the top
spmenu -it - Position the image at the top
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -ib Position the image at the bottom
spmenu -ib - Position the image at the bottom
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -ic Position the image in the center
spmenu -ic - Position the image in the center
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -itc Position the image in the top center
spmenu -itc - Position the image in the top center
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -wm Spawn spmenu as a window manager controlled client/window.
spmenu -wm - Spawn spmenu as a window manager controlled client/window.
Useful for testing
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -v Print spmenu version to stdout
spmenu -v - Print spmenu version to stdout
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -fn Set the spmenu font to
spmenu -fn font - Set the spmenu font to font
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -nif Set the normal item foreground color
spmenu -nif color - Set the normal item foreground color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -nib Set the normal item background color
spmenu -nib color - Set the normal item background color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sif Set the selected item foreground color
spmenu -sif color - Set the selected item foreground color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sib Set the selected item background color
spmenu -sib color - Set the selected item background color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -pfg Set the prompt foreground color
spmenu -pfg color - Set the prompt foreground color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -pbg Set the prompt background color
spmenu -pbg color - Set the prompt background color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -ifg Set input foreground color
spmenu -ifg color - Set input foreground color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -ibg Set input background color
spmenu -ibg color - Set input background color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -mbg Set the menu background color
spmenu -mbg color - Set the menu background color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -nhf Set the normal highlight foreground color
spmenu -nhf color - Set the normal highlight foreground color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -nhb Set the normal highlight background color
spmenu -nhb color - Set the normal highlight background color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -shf Set the selected highlight foreground color
spmenu -shf color - Set the selected highlight foreground color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -shb Set the selected highlight background color
spmenu -shb color - Set the selected highlight background color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -shb Set the selected highlight background color
spmenu -shb color - Set the selected highlight background color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -nfg Set the foreground color for the match count
spmenu -nfg color - Set the foreground color for the match count
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -nbg Set the background color for the match count
spmenu -nbg color - Set the background color for the match count
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -mfg Set the foreground color for the mode indicator
spmenu -mfg color - Set the foreground color for the mode indicator
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -mbg Set the background color for the mode indicator
spmenu -mbg color - Set the background color for the mode indicator
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -laf Set the left arrow foreground color
spmenu -laf color - Set the left arrow foreground color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -raf Set the right arrow foreground color
spmenu -raf color - Set the right arrow foreground color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -lab Set the left arrow background color
spmenu -lab color - Set the left arrow background color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -rab Set the right arrow background color
spmenu -rab color - Set the right arrow background color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -cc Set the caret color
spmenu -cc color - Set the caret color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -bc Set the border color
spmenu -bc color - Set the border color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr0 Set the SGR 0 color
spmenu -sgr0 - Set the SGR 0 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr1 Set the SGR 1 color
spmenu -sgr1 - Set the SGR 1 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr2 Set the SGR 2 color
spmenu -sgr2 - Set the SGR 2 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr3 Set the SGR 3 color
spmenu -sgr3 - Set the SGR 3 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr4 Set the SGR 4 color
spmenu -sgr4 - Set the SGR 4 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr5 Set the SGR 5 color
spmenu -sgr5 - Set the SGR 5 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr6 Set the SGR 6 color
spmenu -sgr6 - Set the SGR 6 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr7 Set the SGR 7 color
spmenu -sgr7 - Set the SGR 7 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr8 Set the SGR 8 color
spmenu -sgr8 - Set the SGR 8 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr9 Set the SGR 9 color
spmenu -sgr9 - Set the SGR 9 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr10 Set the SGR 10 color
spmenu -sgr10 - Set the SGR 10 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr11 Set the SGR 11 color
spmenu -sgr11 - Set the SGR 11 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr12 Set the SGR 12 color
spmenu -sgr12 - Set the SGR 12 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr13 Set the SGR 13 color
spmenu -sgr13 - Set the SGR 13 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr14 Set the SGR 14 color
spmenu -sgr14 - Set the SGR 14 color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sgr15 Set the SGR 15 color
spmenu -sgr15 - Set the SGR 15 color
There are also extra arguments recognized for dmenu compatibility.
These are:
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -nb Set the normal background color
spmenu -nb color - Set the normal background color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -nf Set the normal foreground color
spmenu -nf color - Set the normal foreground color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sb Set the selected background color
spmenu -sb color - Set the selected background color
.IP \[bu] 2
spmenu -sf Set the selected foreground color
spmenu -sf color - Set the selected foreground color
.SS 4. Keybinds
See \f[V]keybinds.h\f[R] for a list.